Cultural activity
to 14.1 Km in our area
On more than 40 hectares shaded, Gramat Animal Park groups 1000 European wild and domestic animals of 150 different species. In an emblematic natural environment of the Causses du Quercy, the Parc Animalier de Gramat offers a walk of 3 hours that combines educational and cultural approach while being a place of family relaxation. Open to the public in 1979, the Animal Park amazes each year 90000 visitors. You will be able to see wolves, bears, lynx, otters, bison, many cervids ... and a conservatory of domestic breeds increasingly rare. Ticket valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 26.3 Km in our area
Eyrignac et ses Jardins
Set high in the Périgord Noir (Black Perigord), and close to Sarlat lays a 10 hectare verdant oasis: the magnificent French style gardens of Eyrignac. In this space where time has stood still, come and witness the spectacle of nature. See the 300 sculpted plants superbly hand clipped by gardeners in the tradition of times gone by, fountains, reflective waters, the play of light and shade and the flower beds. This architectural treasure has been inhabited by the same family for 500 years. They claim amongst their ancestors the illustrious author of the monologue ""Fier comme Artaban"" (As proud as a Peacock).
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 16.7 Km in our area
Discovered in 1825 and converted in 1922, the caves of almost are located 5 km from Saint Céré. The visitor discovers an uninterrupted succession of concretions of all shapes and colors. In addition to its concretions, the Caves of Almost offer with regard to numerous stalagmitic pillars from 8 to 10 meters high, some of a great delicacy like the "Cierges". More grandiose shows may be offered to tourists, but it is rare to find more gracious and evocative.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 6.3 Km in our area
Les Grottes de Lacave
Discovered in 1905, by the scientist and speleologist, Armand Viré. The cave can be visited since 1906. Discovered in 1905 by the scientist and bio-speleologist Armand VIRÉ. The cave can be visited since 1906. From 1961, access is by small electric train (free). The latter climbs 400 meters underground to bring you to the heart of the hill. In the event of a problem beyond our control, access can be done on foot, the visit will remain unchanged. Then the visit is done on foot with a guide. Right from the start with the Salle du Chaos (where many concerts take place during the season), you will discover the marvelous world of the center of the Earth. For an hour and a quarter will follow one another, more than 150 million years of history, magical worlds and legendary animals. Your visit will end in the Hall of Wonders, where fireflies invade the silence. The landscaped network that you are going to visit extends over more than 1.5 km, but the journey continues for more than four kilometres.
Located 9 kilometers from Rocamadour, bring closed shoes and your cameras (photos tolerated without flash) to come and discover the longest visitable path of the Causses du Quercy, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 7.6 Km in our area
Chemin de Fer Touristique du Haut Quercy
See the Dordogne Valley from the old railway line cut into the cliffs 80 metres above the river. According to days/times, either a magnificent steam locomotive or a diesel engine will be at the head of the train, close to Martel station, to take you on a fantastic journey. A 13 km return trip, to see the beautibul panorama over the Dordogne Valley unfold before you. 1 hour round trip. Open and panoramic carriage
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 9.8 Km in our area
Pays d'art et d'histoire Causses et Vallée de la Dordogne
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Why we recommend these places
Sport activities
to 9.1 Km in our area
Canoës SAFARAID Dordogne
Location de canoës et de kayaks sur la Dordogne. De la demi-journée à la journée entière, et de 2 à 7 jours pour les randonnées itinérantes.Parcours de 120km au total, d'Argentat en Corrèze jusqu'à Beynac en Dordogne, en passant par les magnifiques paysages et villages du Lot. Membre du Groupement "Canoë France" et de la FNPLCK.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 20.6 Km in our area
Gabare Adèle et Clarisse - Beaulieu sur Dordogne
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 4.5 Km in our area
Archéosite des Fieux - Préhistoire
Plongez au cœur de la préhistoire avec ce site classé aux Monuments Historiques. Découverte d'une cavité naturelle utilisée comme piège par les hommes préhistoriques pendant près de 80 000 ans. Présentation de la grotte ornée de peintures et de gravures (photographies et film). Toute la journée, démonstrations et ateliers : silex, feu, musique, chasse au propulseur et arts. Activités supplémentaires pour les enfants…
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 13.6 Km in our area
Rando et Patrimoine
Guided tours, walks, e-bikes rides, and driver guide in Rocamadour and its surroundings.
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Why we recommend these places
Sport activities
to 10 Km in our area
Carennac Adventure
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 38 Km in our area
Gabare d'Argentat-sur-Dordogne
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Why we recommend these places
to 49.9 Km in our area
Château Saint-Sernin
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Why we recommend these places
Sport activities
to 12.4 Km in our area
Crossing 3 departments, Corrèze, Lot and Dordogne, as well as the Périgord Noir and the Périgord Pourpre, the Dordogne is lined with exceptional sites. 120 km of circuits from Argentat to Beynac await you to discover the Dordogne valley in a different way. From 1-day routes to hikes of 2 to 8 days, we accompany you through this nature activity. Do you prefer dry land? We also offer the rental of mountain bikes, hybrid bikes and electric bikes in Souillac and Carlux. The Dordogne Valley will have no more secrets for you!
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 32.8 Km in our area
Office de Tourisme Sarlat Périgord Noir
Bienvenue à l'Office de Tourisme Sarlat Périgord Noir ! Nous avons le plaisir de vous accueillir dans nos trois bureaux d'information et nous vous renseignons sur les activités, les visites, les manifestations et les hébergements. Retrouvez-nous à Sarlat en plein cœur de la cité médiévale, ainsi que dans les plus beaux villages de France de Beynac et de La Roque-Gageac.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 33.1 Km in our area
Denoix Maître Liquoriste
Grande fabrique de liqueur fondée en 1839 à Brive-la-Gaillarde en Corrèze. Nous perpétuons le savoir-faire des maîtres liquoristes du XIXème siècle, garantissant ainsi la qualité de nos liqueurs et apéritifs à base de noix, plantes et fruits. Ce savoir-faire et ce patrimoine du goût sont transmis de génération en génération au sein de la même famille depuis le XIXème siècle. Labellisée Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant, notre maison s'attache à respecter la pure tradition du métier à travers le goût de nos produits et leur élaboration. Nos spécialités sont produites à base de jus de noix vertes, vieilli cinq années en fût de chêne, de macérations de plantes et de fruits et de distillations. Toutes nos fabrications sont réalisées dans notre chai avec les techniques et instruments ancestraux : chaudron de cuivre, alambic à bain marie, foyers au feu de bois et charbon, cuves en cuivre étamé et fûts de chêne. La maison Denoix a également sorti de l'oubli la fameuse Moutarde Violette de Brive, reconnue comme un met délicat emblématique de l'excellence française.
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 35.8 Km in our area
Gabarres Caminade
A Gabarre in the Dordogne A gabarre, or gabare, actually designates a type of river boat from different basins on the Atlantic coast ( Loire , Sèvre niortaise , Charente , Dordogne , Garonne ). Their only common point is that of all river transport boats: the flat bottom called "sole" which allows it, with a shallow draft, to carry a maximum load. Quite often too, these boats can be rigged .
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Why we recommend these places
Cultural activity
to 5.4 Km in our area
Explor Games® "L'élixir des Alix"
Les Explor Games® sont des jeux d'aventure et d'exploration scénarisés, guidés par des applications mobiles. Munis d'une tablette tactile, ces jeux de pistes numériques vous emmènent découvrir des patrimoines de façon ludique et interactive, à mi-chemin entre le parcours d'orientation en extérieur et l'Escape Games en intérieur. Une aventure à partager en famille ou entre amis ! A la Ferme des Alix, l'objectif est d'offrir à nos visiteurs une nouvelle prestation touristique, 100% autonome, digitale mais aussi ludique : C'est ainsi que le jeu permettra aux visiteurs de remonter le temps tout en découvrant les origines d'un savoir artisanal, la culture de la lavande officinale. En effet, en flânant dans les champs de lavande, en traversant le hameau des Alix et son patrimoine cistercien ou encore en découvrant les constructions en pierres sèches typiques du paysage du Quercy, le jeu invite les visiteurs à une immersion au sein du site via une chasse aux trésors, des énigmes à résoudre et des challenges à accomplir en famille ou entre amis.
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Why we recommend these places
Sport activities
to 14.2 Km in our area
French Retro Ride
Get off the beaten track of rental to offer a completely immersive experience. Come and discover the exceptional sites in the heart of the Lot Valley and the Dordogne, in the most original as it is. The French Retro Ride experience Located in the Lot and Dordogne valley, at the foot of the numerous castles, prehistoric sites and medieval villages, we want you to live an experience in its own right. A journey into time riding a character machine: it takes no more to cultivate the art of living far away of your daily life. Pilot a Royal Enfield 650 Interceptor or a Mash 400 Family Side and discover alone, with friends or with the family, the regional culture and the feeling of freedom by crisscrossing the hilly roads of a exceptional plateau: these are the emotions we want to convey. Whether you want a simple rental or a full experience, we will do everything to make your stay as pleasant as possible. La Maison Les Chandelles will offer its services for each French Retro Ride client: Room or Gîte, Table d'hôte and packed lunch ... Express your desires and be there for this experience!
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